Discover meaningful insights on any provider and Medicare patient populations.
At Cuantafy, we understand every healthcare organization has different needs that can't be answered by any one-size-fits-all product. This is why we make it our business to provide personalized clinicially-relevant, Medicare reports that can help you grow your Medicare business.
Cuantafy offers several reports that make it easy for healthcare organizations to explore Medicare-Fee-For-Service (MFFS) data, and discover insights that can accelerate their go-to-market planning and network growth.
Inside Look
Provider MFFS Report
Obtain MFFS data for a single provider.
MFFS data in this report is available for the last six years inclusive of the most recent year reported by CMS
Total annual MFFS billings and payments received from CMS
Total MFFS patient count by Medicare Only and Medicare & Medicaid entitlement
Total MFFS patient population by gender, age and ethnicities
Total MFFS patient population by health conditions
Total MFFS patient population by average HCC risk scores
Inside Look
Providers Discovery Report
Obtain MFFS data for all providers in a single or multitude of geographical location(s) by either zip code(s), city(ies), county(ies), or state(s).
MFFS data in this report is available for a single year (the most recent year or previous years reported by CMS)
Total number of providers by entity type and specialty type that bill to CMS in geographical location(s)
Total number of providers by range of total MFFS payments received from CMS
Total number of providers by range of total MFFS patient count with Medicare Only and Medicare & Medicaid entitlement
Total number of providers and MFFS patients by range of patient population demographics (gender, age and ethnicities)
Total number of providers and MFFS patients by health conditions
Total number of providers by range of average HCC risk scores of patient population
View full Report
Ways to Use our Providers MFFS Reports
Below are several examples of how healthcare organizations can use our reports to optimize their go-to-market and network expansion strategies.
Analyze Existing Network
Identify New Markets
Identify New Providers
technical skills
I have a list of providers in my existing network
I want to understand their MFFS patient populations
Reports Delivered:
We'll generate a Providers Discovery Report
This will give you an aggregate view of your network’s overall performance based on MFFS billings, HCC risk scores, and patient populations demographics and health conditions
We'll generate a Provider MFFS Report
From the Providers Discovery Report, you can generate an individual Provider MFFS Report for each provider you select from your analyzed list who has the highest potential for converting his/her MFFS patients to a Medicare Advantage Plan
Ready to get started?
Grow your Medicare business today by requesting a demo.